Happy New Year!
Well, here we are 2016! Isn't there supposed to be flying cars by now? Maybe not, but before 2016 flies by, why not set some goals and choose to grow this year? Yep, this is a year of growth for me. I plan to enhance my photography skills and take risks with my work that I haven't in the past. I'll keep you posted.
I was blessed to be pressent at the birth of this precious little one just over a week ago. What an amazing experience it is to witness new life coming into this world. This year resolve to be there for others and not just your friends and family, but strangers too. Be available, be giving, be patient, be kind, be what others can't or won't and just... be. As you give of yourself, you'll be filled with more joy and love that you ever could have attained keeping love to yourself.
May this year bring you blessings, love and wonderful memories!